
Jack Beaulieu
Magdalen College
University of Oxford

I am Fellow by Examination (Junior Research Fellow) in Philosophy at Magdalen College, Oxford. Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Toronto, where I completed my PhD in 2022. 

I work on the history of Sanskrit philosophy, focusing on philosophers belonging to the Nyāya tradition. My interests lie broadly in epistemology, philosophy of mind and metaphysics, with my research to date focusing primarily on absence. I am currently working on issues related to introspection and iterated knowledge. I also maintain active teaching interests in philosophy of disability.

My paper "Raghunātha on Seeing Absence" was awarded the 2023 Rogers Prize by the British Journal for the History of Philosophy, its annual prize for best article. 

I also take photos of birds.

Journal Articles